Meet Donald Cox
"I was taught at an early age that we are here to serve and help one another. As part of the Hurley team, I have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those we have the privilege of caring for—and their families."

Why I Volunteer
I began volunteering at Hurley Medical Center in 2016. I retired from a career in mortgage financing and while I also have a passion for broadcasting—I felt compelled to find a place where I could volunteer and invest my time helping people.
I have always believed the saying, 'we make a living by what we get... we make a life by what we give'. Throughout my life, I have always tried to live by that rule. I was taught at an early age that we are here to serve and help one another.
In 2011, my mentally impaired sister, Theresa, was a patient at Hurley. Theresa is physically 60 years old but has the mental capacity of a 10-year old. There have been several times that she has required medical attention throughout her life—and because of her condition—she also requires a lot of special attention during her treatment and hospital stays. Because of her fear of hospitals, she can be difficult to handle at times. Trying to win her confidence and trust can be a challenge—to say the least.
"However, the experience our family had at Hurley while caring for Theresa, was something that left an indelible impression on us. Whether it was first, second or third shift—the nursing staff went above and beyond to assure Theresa that she was secure and everything was going to be all right."
From spending mealtime in her room with her, singing with her, making little gifts for her, sitting with her at night until she fell asleep—or constantly checking on her. They knew Theresa was a patient that required some special attention and that they provided!
It was clear that the staff had a level of commitment that demonstrated the heard of a true professional team. The care Theresa has received caused my family to claim Hurley Medical Center as the only place for Theresa to receive care.
It didn't take a lot of thought when I began considering places to volunteer. The Hurley staff had demonstrated the professional, caring team that would make one proud to be a part of. Now, as a volunteer, and part of the Hurley team, I have the same opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those we have the privilege of caring for—and their families.